Image of child playing ipad 1
THB ฿ 495

iPad Customized for Children

Even a short trip in a luxury limousine or van can feel like an eternity for a young child. Keep them occupied with our customized iPad for children for a fairly rate – to be used during the limousine ride.

Every Ipad is preinstalled with Games and cartoons – suitable for children up to 10 years of age.

Even if you are just making the relatively short trip from your hotel to the airport, it can be a real challenge to keep a young child occupied and stop them from fidgeting or getting bored and cranky. This can be ten times worse if you have just completed a long-haul international flight and then passed through immigration and customs.

Let us help make the journey more pleasant for you and your children with our customized iPad for children. Each iPad is loaded with a selection of games and activities to keep even the most imaginative, creative and restless mind occupied. In fact, your kids may be so engrossed with solving some of the puzzles that they won’t want their journey with us to end.[:th]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non porta velit. Vivamus consequat lacus a orci pharetra, vitae mollis metus porta. Aliquam mattis felis nunc. Mauris in sollicitudin orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse eu augue commodo odio interdum feugiat eu eu mi. Curabitur a diam efficitur, fringilla nisi sed, congue lorem. Vestibulum viverra, dui nec tempor venenatis, sapien dolor auctor ipsum, eu luctus est turpis ultrices est. Donec venenatis blandit tellus id posuere. Aliquam et malesuada sapien. Curabitur vitae orci bibendum, gravida ex in, consequat ipsum. Mauris vestibulum rhoncus augue, eget semper nunc luctus id. Maecenas nec nisl mi.

Nam sollicitudin convallis lectus vitae feugiat. Pellentesque dui ligula, porttitor ut imperdiet id, faucibus eget dui. Duis sed mi purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi nec scelerisque lectus. Vivamus accumsan ultrices mauris eget pretium. Ut blandit nec urna eget porta. Curabitur a malesuada tortor, sed euismod nisl. Etiam mauris sem, placerat eu lectus eget, aliquet posuere tortor. Aenean at convallis nulla. Etiam faucibus ligula eleifend, elementum tortor a, mattis felis. Integer nec pretium metus. Quisque aliquam commodo diam a consectetur. Etiam convallis ligula quis purus elementum elementum. Integer fringilla arcu nec leo volutpat, eget placerat velit consequat. In egestas vehicula ligula, quis lacinia mauris.

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